We are live Buana!


Maangi Josiah


November 2, 2023

Earlier this year, I wanted to start my data blog. My goals were clear, use it as repository to record what I have learnt so far and by writing, I will reinforce my understanding of the concepts. Since I had no intention of buliding a website from scratch, I had a popular website builder in mind. But the huddle was, how do I publish my documents from RStudio or VS code straight to my website.

Enters Quarto. If you have you used RMarkdown, then you know how convenient it is to create a publication ready document. Quarto does this and supports multiple languages. The magic? You can create a fully functional blog website in just 15 minutes with Quarto. Now, whether I’m writing R, Python, or SQL documents, I can effortlessly commit them to my GitHub repository, and like clockwork, Netlify swoops in to pick up the updates and publish them on my website. Easy!

If this intrigues you, Albert Rapp has a very detailed guide on building a blog website with Quarto. If you want to set it up quickly, Beatriz has a quick and easy to follow guide. I used both, and my website is still in the works as I try to customize it further.

We are live buana, to Quarto creators, Thank You!